Week 9 Notes

JavaScript & jQuery

What is a function?

Defines a specific set of reusable tasks

Input parameters

Do stuff, return data

Function Syntax

function functionName(arg1, arg2) {
   // body of function


function: keyword, like var

Function Name

Body for execution, like an if statement

Running Functions

function myFunction() {
  console.log("Hello world!");

// use of parenthesis actually calls the function

// just outputs the function definition

Input Parameters

function addNumbers(num1, num2) {
  var sum = num1 + num2;

addNumbers(4, 5);
// returns 9 to the console

addNumbers(10, 12);
// returns 22 to the console

Returning Data

We often want to directly use the data the function creates. The return method does just that.

function add(num1, num2) {
  var sum = num1 + num2;
  return sum;

add(1, 2);
// returns 3

var sum = add(40, 50);

JavaScript Objects

var emptyObject = {};

var person = {
  name: "Brendan",
  age: 30,
  gender: "Male",
  currentLocation: "New York, NY"

Key Value Pairs

{ name: "Brendan" }

Key = name Value = Brendan

Object Access and Manipulation

var person = { name: "Brendan" };

// returns "Brendan"

person.name = "Brian";
// person now stores "Brian" as value for name

Basic jQuery Syntax

Find elements (traverse the DOM):

$("<css selector>");

Manipulate those elements:

$(target).css(), $(target).html()

Finding Elements

$("<css selector>");

Returns results in array


Finds all h1 header elements

$(".header .nav");

Finds class .nav in .header

Editing HTML

$(target).html("<html string>")

Inserts (overwrites) HTML in selected elements


Returns all HTML of selected element as a string

Editing CSS


Changes inline CSS values for selected elements


Returns value of CSS property as a string

Hide, Show, and Remove


Hides all matched elements by setting their inline style to display: none;


Reveals matched elements by switching their display property to block/inline;


Removes the matched element(s) from the DOM entirely

Manipulating Classes


Adds class to all matched elements Note: in this case, you should not use a period preceding your class name


Removes class from all matched elements


Adds class if not currently applied, otherwise removes it

DOM Insertion


Inserts content at the end of each matched element


Inserts content at the beginning of each matched element

Mouse Events

$(target).click(function() {
  // run this code when the mouse has been pressed and released on the target


User has pressed and released the mouse button

$(target).mousedown(function() {
  //run this code when the mouse button is pressed over the element


Mouse button is pressed over the element

$(target).mouseup(function() {
  //run this code when the mouse is released over the target


Mouse button is released over the element

$(target).mousemove(function() {
  //run this code when the mouse moves within the target


User has moved the mouse over the element

$(target).mouseenter(function() {
  //run this code when the mouse enters the target


Mouse has entered the target element

$(target).mouseleave(function() {
  // run this code when the mouse leaves the target


Mouse has left the target element

See also:

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