Week 8 Notes

JavaScript Basics

Separation of Concerns

HTML = organization of webpage content

CSS = definition of content presentation style

JavaScript = how the content interacts and behaves with the user

Loading JavaScript

We use the <script> tag to connect our HTML page with our JavaScript file as follows:

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/file.js"></script>

JavaScript Console

The Chrome JavaScript Console, accessed via View > Developer > JavaScript Console.

Data Types

There are four primary data types in JavaScript:






Used for storing textual information.

Double quotes: "a name means a lot just by itself"

Single quotes: 'freedom is a luxury not a necessity'

Quotes in Strings

Invert quote type:

"Colognes in a blue bottle or with the word 'blue' in their names have proliferated on men's fragrance counters in the last few years"


"Many economists say that such \"first dollar\" coverage leaves beneficiaries insensitive to costs"


Used to represent numerical data:

Integers: 75

Float: 3.14159


Used for representing a binary value (true or false): true or false


Contain other data types

Mixed types OK

Starts with [, ends with ], elments separated with ,.

Whitespace is ignored

Array Examples

Empty array: []

Single element: ["one"]

Multiple elements: ["first", 2, "three"]

Array Indexing [] + number = index into array

JavaScript is a zero indexed language:

["red", "white", "blue"][0] => "red"

["red", "white", "blue"][1] => "white"

["red", "white", "blue"][2] => "blue"

Array Details

Array length: ["red", "white", "blue"].length => 3

First element at zero, last element at one less than array length


Declaration: var blackjack;

Assignment: blackjack = 21;

Declaration and assignment: var blackjack = 21;


var name = "Brendan";

name = "Brendan Griffiths";

Console Logging

console.log("Hello world");

Console log accepts any variable or data type. Multiple values can be strung together, separated with a comma:

console.log(myVar, "Hello", 7);

Relational Operators

Less than: <

Greater than: >

Less than or equal to: <=

Greater than or equal to: >=


1 < 2
// true

2 <= 1
// false

1 <= 1
// true

var myNum = 4;
var altNum = 6;
myNum < altNum
// true

1 > 1
// false

Are Two Things Equal?

10 == 10;
// true

10 == 5;
// false

"hi" == "hi";
// true

And (&&)

var name = "Brendan";
var school = "Parsons";
if (name == "Brendan" && school == "Parsons") {
   console.log('Come on in!');

Or (||)

var overSixteen = true;
var parentsPresent = false;

if (overSixteen || parentsPresent) {
   console.log('Amazing...you can go to an R-rated movie.');

If Statement

if (true) {
   console.log('Condition is true');

if (false) {
   console.log('This will never execute.');


var film = "The Silence of the Lambs";

if (film == "The Silence of the Lambs" || film == "Psycho") {
   console.log('Your film is a thriller.');
} else {
   console.log('Your film probably isnโ€™t a thriller.');

Basic Math

Addition: 1 + 1 = 2

Subtraction: 3 - 2 = 1

Multiplication: 5 * 3 = 15

Division: 10 / 2 = 5

Increment / Decrement (++ / โ€“)


myVar = myVar + 1;



myVar = myVar - 1;


Random Number Generation

Produces a random number between 0 and 1:


For Loop

for (var multiplier = 1; multiplier <= 10; multiplier++) {
   var result = multiplier * 6;

Array Iteration

var array = [1, 2, 3];
for (var counter = 0; counter < array.length; counter++) {

See also:

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